What is Fashion Avenue 411?

Fashion Avenue
This street address http://elfashionavenue411.blogspot.com/ will give you Tips on what to wear with what! AND The 411 on the HOTTEST Celebs. you can send a picture to fashionavenue411@gmail.com and we will tell you what you should wear it with! just like your own personal shopper, fashion designer, wardrobe designer, etc. We will also have a poll that you will need to answer for questions like..... "Who wore it better?", "Who did it better?", Etc. Promotion can also be done here just send us a e-mail and we will promote "Musicians, Actress, Models, Dancer, Etc." So come to the world of Fashion and have fun.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Q&A (Interview) W/ DIAMOND


Fashion Avenue - Do you write your own songs? If so please name at least one, & What came to mind while you were writing them?

DIAMOND - I do write my own music. My latest single, Lotta Money, was inspired by the hook created by the producer and my own experiences. My music is definitely a reflection of my various moods, experiences, and the people around me.

Fashion Avenue - How do you describe your music to people?

DIAMOND - I'd describe my music as eclectic, sexy, and high energy. I don't really fit into a box, or particular group.

Fashion Avenue - What image do you think your music conveys?

DIAMOND - I hope to portray an image of strength, independence, and living on your own terms without apologies.

Fashion Avenue - Do you play instruments? if so, Which instruments do you play? & What was the first tune(s) you learned?

DIAMOND - I don't play any instruments well enough to talk about, lol.

Fashion Avenue - In what ways do your music relate to you?

DIAMOND - My music is a reflection of me at any particular time. It is sincerely an outlet for all of my emotions, thoughts and feelings.

Fashion Avenue - Do you have any Tips to the fans who want to be in your shoes? (Music Wise)

DIAMOND - I'd advise them to learn the business, develop a thick skin, and don't give up.


Fashion Avenue - Which bands/musicians have influenced your own personal style?

DIAMOND - Eve and Trina both fit the bill. I grew up admiring their skills on the mic and the way the commanded an audience. Style wise they were (and still are) chameleons. They are not afraid of using color, and being bold in their dress.

Fashion Avenue - What are your Top 3 favorite stores to shop at?

DIAMOND - Betsy Johnson (bold colors, unique style), Saks (or Neiman) and 1414 Madison (bold accessories/statement pieces)

Fashion Avenue - Who do you think will win if there was a world wide FASHION contest going on? (Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Ciara)

DIAMOND - Rihanna

Fashion Avenue - What are your Fashion tips to your younger Fans?

DIAMOND - Style is about confidence, so no matter "who" you're wearing know that if you're confident, people will take notice. Also f' what's "trendy" do you! Fads and trends come and go.


Fan 1- How do you balance your music with other obligations - mate, children, job?

DIAMOND - in short you make time for the things that matter.

Fan 2- Do you have anything else going on other than your rapping career? (Acting, Fashion Label, T.V. Show, Modeling, Other?)

DIAMOND - I'm actually venturing into acting and I've been approached about becoming a spokesmodel for a few new brands.

Fan - How would you define the word “success”?

DIAMOND - I define success as living life to the fullest on your own terms. Happiness is priceless.

Fan - What are your goals as far as your music career?

DIAMOND - My immediate goals include continuing to make music for my fans and potentially new fans to get to know me. Also to complete my 1st solo album. Long term I'd like to be remembered for my contributions to music, and maybe even inspire me like the women before me did. Finally to expand fan base and tour overseas more.

Fashion Avenue - Any other Comments?????

DIAMOND - Thanks so much for the opportunity to interview, and be sure to follow me on twitter (@diamondatl) for up to the minute updates on everything Diamond.

Thanks Diamond for the Q&A it was fun chatting!

You know were you hot it from @FashionAvenu411

Make sure you FOLLOW Diamond on TWITTER @diamondatl

-Tell her who sent you @FashionAvenue411

didn't see your question for DIAMOND?
e-mail fashionavenue411@gmail.com
with your question so you can receive your answer!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Can you say "NEXT BIG THING"
17 year old Rapper signed with Young Money Lil Twist really is the "Next Big Thing" While sitting at home one night i saw Team Twist (Twist Fans) posting comments about Twist newest mixtape
"The Takeover - Carte Blanche Edition"
This kid is really good there is not a song i don't like on his mixtape!
Wayne better watch out because TWIST is COMING!

Here his 1st music video off his mixtape
(Carte Blanche)

We hope to get an Interview with twist soon!

(mixtape cover above)


Symone a 16 year old Hip Hop Artist, Writer, Dancer, Model, & Actress from Chicago Il. (now living in Atlanta) Will be feat. on our page soon! So make sure you stay on the lookout for her! To hear her Music e-mail TheGeishaGirl@gmail.com & to keep updated with her you can follow her on Twitter www.twitter.com/moinevgeisha


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

BREAKING NEWS Alert: Diamond Responds to Critics, and Releases Music from Cocaine Waitress

**********MEDIA ALERT**********

Diamond responds to critics, and naysayers with the leak of "Shots Fired" from her latest mixtape project Cocaine Waitress. "This record was just a release for me. I was able to say all the things that had been building up inside, and just the space to really breathe," Diamond explains.

"Shots Fired" is released on the heels of slanderous misinformation being presented about a car she received as a gift being repossessed. Although the actual car dealer spoke candidly about the situation being false, (Part 1 http://bit.ly/cy9kIx & Part 2 http://bit.ly/aCAlKR), very few outlets issued a retraction or event posted the update. She also did an exclusive in depth interview with AllHipHop.com about the ordeal http://bit.ly/9NJnVn. "At the end of the day, I've done everything to present the truth to the public. They'll chose to see the truth, or they'll run with what's more entertaining, either way I'm moving forward."